Common Questions

Game title?

Rules of War



Development timeline?

Started October 2022. Plan is to release during H2 of 2025.

Regular price

Targeting between $9.99-$19.99 USD depending on content at release.

Game short description?

Expand and conquer in this minimalist 4X Turn-based military strategy game with nuclear warfare. Command troops, expand your borders, and nuke your enemies. Balance expansion, technology, and diplomacy. Can you lead your nation to victory?

Story premise

Set in a world ravaged by the devastation of a nuclear war. As new nations emerge, will you stop the next apocalypse?


It is saddening to see violence very much present today. I wish there were no wars, I wish we could all live in peace. I wanted to create a game about war and peace. Some books that got me thinking: 1) The Better Angels of Our Nature, by Steven Pinker 2) Zero Degrees of Empathy, by Simon Baron-Cohen, and 3) Inside the Criminal Mind, by Stanton E. Samenow.

Note: None of these books are for the faint-hearted and contain descriptions of horrifying violent acts.

Number of players

Currently single player. If there is sufficient interest (Wishlists in steam over 20,000), will consider multi-player. It is hard to have multiplayer without a community. So Wishlist now!


Includes logos, screenshots.

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